St George Regional Airport Parking

St George Regional Airport (SGU) | Airport Parking

St George Regional Airport (SGU) Parking Map and Guide

Is there long-term parking at St George Regional Airport?

Yes, St. George Regional Airport (SGU) in St. George, Utah has long-term parking. The cost is $7 per day, and you can pay by cash, check, or credit.

Parking details:

  • The first 30 minutes of parking are free 
  • You can park for up to 30 days without notifying the airport 
  • Parking is not permitted in the aircraft movement and tie-down areas 
  • Vehicles parked in violation of the rules may be cited, impounded, or towed

How much is long-term parking at St. George airport?

The charge is $7.00 per day and can be paid by cash, check, or credit.

How early do I need to be at the St. George airport?

The general guidance is to arrive at Saint George at least two hours before scheduled departure for a short-haul flight and three hours before departure for a long-haul flight.

What airlines fly into St. George Regional Airport in Utah?

It is served by SkyWest Airlines with code-sharing flights operated on behalf of American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and United Airlines. SkyWest, one of the largest regional airlines in the world, is based in St. George.

Can I charge an EV car at St George Regional Airport?

Yes, you can charge an electric vehicle (EV) at St. George Regional Airport. The charge is $7 per day and can be paid by cash, check, or credit.

How to charge an EV at a public charging station?

  1. Plug in your EV
  2. Select the correct connection for your EV
  3. Pay for charging
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